Rogemar A. Riffel

Departamento de Física
Centro de Ciências Naturais e Exatas
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
Prédio do INPE - Sala: 1041
Av. Roraima, 1000
CEP 97105-900
Santa Maria, RS - Brazil
Phone: +55 55 3220.8863
e-mail: rogemar(at)ufsm.br

Member of the International Astronomical Union
Member of the Brazilian Astronomical Society
Junior Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences

Research interests: Extragalactic Astronomy; Active Galactic Nuclei; Galactic Dynamics; Galaxy Evolution

  • 2016+: Associate professor at the Physics Department of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM. Member of the astrophysics group.

  • 2009-2016: Assistant professor at UFSM.

    Other activities include being coordinator (2014-2016) and deputy coordinator (2012-2014) of the physics graduation program , coordinator of the Physics undergraduate program (2017-2019), member of the FAPERGS advisory committee (2013-2017), Gemini Observatory National Time Allocation Committee (2014-2017, 2010-2012), as well as member of several committees at UFSM.

  • 2019-2020: Visiting Scientist at the Physics and Astronomy Department - Johns Hopkins University - JHU , Baltimore - MD - USA

  • 2008-2009: Post-doc at the Astronomy Department - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS , Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil

  • 2004-2008: PhD in astrophysics at Instituto de Física - UFRGS

  • 2002-2004: MSc in astrophysics at UFSM.

  • 1998-2002: Undergraduate in physics at UFSM

    My Academic Tree can be found HERE.